
Village Homes is a seventy-acre subdivision located in the west part of Davis, California. It was designed to encourage both the development of a sense of community and the conservation of energy and natural resources.

This web site provides a way for Village Homes residents to expand our community interactions.

  • If you are a new resident please Register here.
  • The VHA Board meeting minutes are posted on the Documents page.
  • To make a reservation for the Oakenshield Room, Community Center, Fire Pit or Gazebo, go to Reservations and select the amenity you want. On the reservation calendar click on date and time and compete the form, filling in all areas. The reservation will be pending until confirmed by the office. The required documentation, and deposit if applicable, must be submitted prior to confirmation.
  • Be sure to check the Calendar for upcoming events, or submit a community event and let everyone know about it.
  • For social sharing use Nextdoor Village Homes


Monday, Feb 24 the Common Area water schedule returns

Water available Mondays from 6pm through 9am on Tuesdays & from Thursdays at 6pm through 9am on Fridays. If there are significant rain events (over 1/4" of rain)  the stopping of irrigation by the City of Davis is required).

Swimming Pool - Closed for season, watch announcements for spring opening information. 

February calendar in brief

Thursday, Feb. 20, ARB applications due in the office to be included on the agenda for the Feb. 26 ARB review meeting.

Sunday, Feb. 23, 9-11am Work party – Weeding/mulching at the Plumshire offices

Sunday, Feb 23, 11am-1:30pm, Village Dance, in the Community Center

Wednesday, Feb. 26, 7pm  ARB Review meeting, via Zoom, Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87582633518?pwd=MkxnSkN2WExKQm9oOStPTGhNcGtnQT09

Community Center is avail to rent 7 days a week.  See Reservations in the left menu to see when the Community Center or other VHA amenities are available.  Information about the different locations is found under Amenities in the left menu.

Follow-up Walkabout occurred December 4 & 6.  Follow-up on level 3 & 4 citations.  Date for the spring walk has not yet been set. The former VHA Safety Walk is now called the "Walkabout"
In April 2023 the Board approved an updated Common Area Contract and recommendations form the "Walkabout" committee.  The Walkabout committee performs the walks through Common Areas and on the Street Side of the Community for a more consistent outcome.   Contact Emily in the VHA office if you have questions.

 Freecycling Guidelines

Items placed in public spaces in Village Homes, including in common areas, greenbelts, orchards, paths, and/or sidewalks, should adhere to the following guidelines:

 Size - less than 3’x3’x3’
 Weight - less than 50 lbs
 Must be suitable for putting in recycling or trash bins if not picked up (eg: no electronics or hazardous materials)
Items must be recollected or thrown away after 72 hours if not taken 
Guidelines do not apply to food/fruit

"Claw" pick-up schedule - next claw Dec 19

February 13 & 27, May 8. October 23, November 6 & 20, December 4 & 18

Please see the following note from City of Davis

Yard material piles cannot be placed on the street more than 7 days in advance of the pick-up date.  Do not place green waste piles in VHA orchards, green belts or park areas.  Calendars and maps are available at DavisRecycling.org.

 More information about yard material collection is available on the city’s website: https://www.cityofdavis.org/city-hall/public-works-utilities-and-operations/solid-waste-and-recycling/yard-material-collection

Community Garden Plots
Looking for a garden plot?  Contact the office or check with one of the garden coordinators to find out about availability:
North Garden Coordinator, Amy Medovoy at asmedovoy@gmail.com South Garden Coordinators Tanya Kucak at tanyagarden@gmail.com and Jon Bjornstad at jon.bjornstad@gmail.com

The VHA member directory is posted here: Directory
To update your information or if you find errors in the directory, please notify the VHA office so the corrections can be made.

Architectural Review Board (ARB)
The 2022 Updated ARB Policy was passed by the VHA Board of Directors on July 20, 2022. It is now posted on this website. It can be located by selecting Documents and then looking under the category HOA. ARB review meetings will be the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7pm currently by Zoom. To be included on the meeting agenda, ARB applications must be submitted to the office by Thursday prior to the meeting. Agenda is posted Friday prior to the meeting. Community members are welcome to attend if they have a concern about a project. The ARB Committee is: Al Colombano, Vincent Fox, Yvonne Hunter, Michael Kleinman, and Board member Stan Robinson.

Village Homes Tree Map - not working at this time :(

December 21, 2018 Winter Solstice celebration with full moon:

For questions about Village Homes or the Village Homeowners' Association, please contact Emily Amy the general manager, a VHA board member, or members of the appropriate committee. If you find incorrect information posted on this site or have any questions about the web site, please e-mail villagehomes.manager@gmail.com

VHA Office hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 8:30am-3:30pm
Wednesday 12:30-7:30pm